Have you noticed my New Cutie Blog Lay Out? Well, that's courtesy of my dear friend here in the blogosphere no other than the sweet SHELO of Mi Mundo del Amor. Yup, shelo changed my blog lay out for free. That’s how sweet and generous she is. Actually, I asked first Shelo to help me in my wordpress blog for I dunno know how to beautify it’s lay out. But then she told me that she’s not so familiar with how to lay out wordpress blog instead offer me to change my Laine’s Abode lay out. At first I was a little bit hesitant for I’m kinda shy. Lolz (pakiput lang actually) but then at the end I did give in and let Shelo do my blog make over. Hehehe . . . So now I do have a new cutie girlie lay out. And . . . I love it! Thanks Shel so much from the bottom of my heart. :))
my old blog lay out which i've been using for 7 months
it's from femikey designs
it's from femikey designs
my new blog lay out courtesy of sweet Shelo :)

whew! that's how many blogs Shelo maintained and still she finds time to make over my blog. :) THANKS AGAIN SIS! :)
wow , na feature pala ako dito Laine,.. hehe. okay lang na mem oi.. God bless..
you have a nice page here sis, just do it for fun and the rest will follow
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