I've been absent for two consecutive Mommy Moment Fridays it is because i'm so busy for these past few days and i can't find some of my son's pictures...waaa... maybe its time to organize all his pictures for me to easily finds it.
Well, anyways after looking and searching for almost half an hour for my son's picture that would fit today's theme I finally stumble two of his quite old pix. He was 2 years old at this time. This guitar was a gift from his grandma and he loves it so much. Last year he received a drum set from his Ninang (godmother) in fact he even calls himself a little drummer boy but unfortunately I can't find his pictures on it. :(
Here's my guitar boy....
he is very cute.. i love his guitar and also his blue booties.. :)
wow! cute kid. like baby like mommy.
Pogi Guitar Man.. !!!! Laine let your kid learn how to play the real guitar... Musical talents will preserve them in their youth..
He might be a rockstar someday hehehe
A rock star in the making! Mine is up, too, Laine.
A cute rockstar!!! =)
My MM entry is here.
Naku ha!Nadala ako sa kanyang pogi points!!Cutie boy!!^_^
Di ba kayo masyadong nasalanta sa bagyo?Thanks for dropping by,Mommy Laine!
cute rock star! :D happy friday!
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