Mommy Moments Time!!!
Here's my entry :)
Here's my entry :)

Well, the first 2 pictures above were taken last Sunday when it drizzle and jon-jon wants to go out so he get the big pink umbrella and used it. The other two pics were taken not quite long ago. Actually that was always his attire if it rains and we’re going out. And about that wearing of shades even if its raining outside, I dunno were he got that idea, well, I guess that is one of his way of getting pogi points. lolz
Happy Mommy Moments!!!
He look so col esp. on the last pic lol..
Here's mine
he looks like he enjoys the rains even if he can't play :)
great entry mommy laine! wow! nakapayong pa talaga siya. so adorable.
He looks cute of his attire. Happy MM! Am playing too.
Pogi nga naman :) Happy MM.
with the pogi point..i agree with your jonjon..he..he..he's so cute with the umbrella..Love his chubby arms..he..he..
I have a tag for you sis..:)
Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration
Eh poging-pogi naman po talaga ang little boy with his jacket and shades on!
Japorms na japorms anak mo with his rainy days outfit.
Jon-Jon's sooo cool even on a rainy days!!I'll give him a 100 points on his pogi charms!!\(^0^)/
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