Friday, July 31, 2009

Mommy Moments - Look At That Mess

mommy moments

It's Friday once again so its.....

Mommy Moments Time . . .!!!

Today's theme is Look At The Mess :)

Here's some of my son's messy pictures . . .

baby jonjon eating ube ice cream
ewww.... :)

spaghetti on the top of mah nose. . .

Jonjon what happen?
Is your nose hungry too? :))

This scenario meets me every time I got home from the office. . .
scattered toys and dirty floor. . . :)

For more Mommy Moments entry just click here

Happy Mommy Moments!!!


nuts said...

so cute, a messy baby is still as cute after all.. sure, he loves spaghetti..

admin said...

kids look so cute with their messy faces... :)
messy house greets me every after work too.. -rache

Tetcha said...

When kids love what they eat, they don't mind getting messy.

Chris said...

well, he seems to be a real active and happy little boy.. :D

ube ice cream is common favorite to kids, noh?

Clarissa said...

That's really a mess but he's still a cutie,Mommy Laine!!Kids really loves pasta!!\(^0^)/

Happy Mommy Moments,Mommy Laine!!^_^Have a great weekend!!

nanaygin said...

another ice cream entry...hehe!
ice cream + kids = definitely a mess.

Genefaith said...

he..he..he's truly enjoying his food...

Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration