God sent children for another purpose
than merely to keep up the race—
to enlarge our hearts; and to make us
unselfish and full of kindly sympathies
and affections; to give our souls higher
aims; to call out all our faculties to
extended enterprise and exertion; and
to sing round our firesides bright faces,
happy smiles and loving, tender hearts.
by Mary Botham Howit
The rules for this award is so simple and here are they:
1. Show the award logo in your post.
2. Pick a picture you have with your kiddo(s).
3. Post should include your best experience as a Mom.
4. Nominate other blogger mom's out there that you consider the best mom, like yourself.
Now, I am nominating my blogger friends who also deserve this kind of award: Mommy Tammy, Mommy Tetcha, and Mommy Beth.
Congrats Mommy Laine. How is your son? Thanks for the award. I already have blog it in my oler post..
Check my new post...take care
Congratulations for the award received.
See you around.
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