I'm just blog hopping on mom gen's blog last night and this morning she left a message on my cbox informing that she have something for me. So I click on her name to link on her blogsite. And I was suprise to see that she choose my blog for this Honest Scrap Award. Thank you very much mom gen.

Thanks again.Here are the rules.
-Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are.
-Show the 7 random names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.”
-List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!
10 Random facts about me:
I dunno were to start.....:)
- I'll start during my college days. I'm an Atenean, I graduated at Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan.
- During my college days I'm a member of Campus Chapel Aides. You'll always see me at the university chapel serving as a reader, commentator, sometimes as lady server and a choir. (religious daw).
- I major on my extra curricular rather than my curricular..hahaha (bad!)
- I love to sing but singing or music doesn't love me at all. huhuhu...
- I'm a jolly and bubbly person.
- I love to pose on pictures...hahaha..picture addict
- I love to wear kamiseta blouses. (addict na)
- I'm a working mom at the same time a dad to my 3 year old son. (wonder a mom)
- I work in a government agency and assigned at finance division. So I'm always dealing with figures. ( makabuang!)
- I love to read books and magazines.
- I love to surf in the net.
oooppssss...said to many already....:) If you left hanging on my random facts don't hesitate to ask me more about myself.... anyways thanks again mom gen. Hope to know you better.
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